Please note these changes effective May 29th, 2021:
- Pre-registration is no longer required for group fitness classes
- Social distancing is no longer required, however it is encouraged
- Saunas and steam rooms are available - hot tubs will be available soon
- Masks are not required, however those that would like to wear a mask are encouraged to do so
- As always, the cleanliness of our facilities will remain a top priority for our members and guests
We would like to remind members to please be mindful of the amount of time you spend in the hot tub, sauna, or steam room. It may take some time for your body to readjust to the elevated heat found in these YMCA amenities.
We care about your safety. If you start to feel discomfort, dizziness or nausea, please step out and get some cool air or rinse yourself with cool water and find a staff member if a serious event/emergency occurs.
Please email us should you have any questions. We are here for you.
Please note these changes effective May 17th, 2021:
- Members and some staff are not required to wear masks. Those who are unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated are strongly encouraged to wear masks in all settings; however, to err on the side of safety and caution, due to children under the age of 12 being ineligible for the vaccination at this time, staff working in Child Care, Child Watch & Kidz Gym are required to wear face coverings/masks until further guidance.
- Temperature checking stations have been removed; however, we ask that members, staff, and guests continue to self-regulate and screen themselves for symptoms of COVID-19, including fever, upset stomach, cough, and sore throat. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, or other signs of illness, we ask that you do not come to the YMCA.
- Members can use water fountains to refill their water bottles. Please only use them to fill your water bottle and do not drink from them directly.
- Members must scan in when they enter the Y; however, scanning out before leaving is unnecessary.
- All other guidelines listed on our website remain in effect.
Please note these changes effective April 1, 2021:
Recent updates to state mandates in Virginia allow for increased capacities in group fitness classes. As all Y locations are different in size, this means slightly different capacities at each location to stay within the current spacing guidelines. As we move to these new guidelines, our reservation system for classes will remain intact and all safety measures and cleaning efforts remain a top priority, including distancing and mask mandates.
As a reminder, if you sign up for a class and decide that you can not make your reservation for any reason please cancel through the same app you used to book, or by calling the Y. This will ensure that others who are on the waitlist will be able to attend.
- All group fitness classes now have a capacity limit of up to, but no more than 50 participants. This includes indoor and outdoor classes, specialty classes, and water classes. The exact number of participants allowed in each class will vary depending on the size of the room. Class limits will be updated in our app to reflect each class and space by Wednesday, March 31st
- Physical distancing requirements are still in effect.
- Members are required to pre-register for all classes online or via our mobile app. Please download our convenient app here.
- Guest passes will not be available during this time.
- What does this mean for my membership? Thankfully the Y has been a safe and healthy resource for local families and individuals during this time. Other than pre-registering for classes these new measures should have little to no impact on your YMCA Membership.
- What is the Y doing to keep us safe? Your health and wellness are our most pressing priority. We will continue to maintain a safe and healthy environment for all that enter our buildings.
Please note our modified hours of operation during this time:
- Monday – Thursday: 5:30am-8pm
- Friday: 5:30am – 6:30pm
- Saturday: 7am-3pm
- Sunday: 12pm-4pm
Download the Mobile App for Class Schedules
Reactivate Your Membership
View the capacity checker
Online Waiver Should Be Completed in Advance
Youth Waiver to be Completed in Advance
Printable Waiver for Minors to Be Completed in Advance
Guest Policy
Covid-19 Protocol
Virtual Y