The YMCA of Central Virginia now offers nutrition coaching

Work—one-on-one—with a certified personal trainer to improve your overall health through expanded nutrition knowledge, improved food choices, and empowered eating decisions. Let’s work together to achieve lasting results on goals that might include losing weight, toning-up, and feeling better.

FOUR 30-MINUTE SESSIONS - Clients and Coaches schedule the days and times to meet and work together for up-to 30 days.

INITIAL ASSESSMENT - Your first session includes an InBody Scan and a discussion of goals, knowledge, eating habits, and more.

CUSTOMIZED INTERACTIONS - Nutrition Coaches use customized content to help clients recognize internal food cues, gauge and control portions, reset and improve food habits, strategize meal prep and eating schedules, and more.

SHARED ACCOUNTABILITY - Nutrition Coaches and clients collaborate to monitor progress and to pursue and meet set goals.

SUMMARY ASSESSMENT - Your final session includes another InBody Scan, review of progress and discussion of next steps and ways you can achieve more.

PREMIUM PACKAGE: $65 add-on with Regymen, CrossFit and Personal Training